In the same category

bi wood

Designed for use in orchards and forests to decompose organic matter (wood) containing high levels of lignin and cellulose, such as dead roots, tree trunks and branches, and leaves. The high activity of saprophytic bacteria and fungi leads to the decomposition of organic matter, transforming it into mineral components and humus.
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bi water

The product is used for biologically cleaning water reservoirs such as ponds, lakes, aquariums, and pools. It inhibits the proliferation of algae and prevents the formation of sediment at the bottom, thus not harming the aquatic organisms present in the reservoirs.
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bi versum

A microbiological product for soil application, improving soil fertility, biological condition, and structure. It contains forms of non-pathogenic fungi isolated from fertile soil and is recommended especially for horticultural crops.
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bi terra

A product based on carefully selected bacterial and non-pathogenic fungal microorganisms naturally occurring in the soil. The product helps to reduce the occurrence of soil pests in agricultural, vegetable, and fruit crops such as grubs, wireworms, cutworms, dropworms, borer larvae, and nematodes.
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bi symbio

Based on pure cultures of symbiotic bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum, which participate in the formation of nodules on plant roots. bi symbio is intended for peas, clover, broad bean, beans, chickpeas, vetch, and lentils. Symbiotic bacteria contained in the product live in symbiosis with the root system of leguminous plants, providing them with nitrogen and essential nutrients.
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