In the same category

bi fosfor

A bacterial product supporting plant cultivation by enriching the soil with easily absorbable phosphorus, which is derived from the breakdown of its complex and insoluble forms. Based on carefully selected bacteria Bacillus megaterium.
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bi azot

A microbiological fertiliser enriching the soil with easily absorbable nitrogen for plants derived from the atmosphere. The soil-based bi azot is the only high-quality product on the Polish market containing a billion Bacillus azotofixans bacteria per each gram of product (1x109 CFU/1g).
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nanogro aqua FOREST

A specialised plant growth stimulator dedicated to coniferous plant nurseries and forestry plantations. The preparation excellently influences the development and regeneration of the root system of young plants, supporting the growth and densification of conifers.
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Lignohumat Super

A concentrated humic preparation of the latest generation, consisting of a mixture of humic acids and microelements. It is used to improve soil structure and quality, and it supports plant growth and yield.
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Naturalny Plon

Naturalny Plon is a combination of amino acids and extract from Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed with the latest generation of humic substances. This product, supporting plant growth, comprehensively affects their regeneration and increases plant resistance to stress.
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