full terminator

Decomposition of Crop Residues

full terminator is a crop residues destructor is a specialized nitrogen fertilizer designed for the decomposition of crop residues. This highly effective professional product is used in all types of agricultural crops, as well as in fruit and vegetable farming. Full terminator provides easily absorbable nitrogen necessary for plant growth, stimulates the development of soil microorganisms, and significantly accelerates the decomposition of organic matter.
Available packaging:
5 L
20 L

Benefits of use:

Stimulates soil microorganisms to multiply faster
Uniformly covers organic matter and adheres to it easily
Prevents leaching of nutrients from the soil and makes them available to plants
Supplies nitrogen necessary for the development of microorganisms and decomposition of organic matter
Provides microelements that accelerate the breakdown of lignin and cellulose

Product description:


The specially selected natural composition of Full Terminator allows for the quick and effective decomposition of organic matter remaining in fields after cereal, vegetable, and other crop harvests. Full Terminator decomposes roots, leaves, straw, and other crop residues, enriching the soil and improving its properties. The product stimulates the development of beneficial saprophytic microflora involved in the breakdown of crop residues - effectively transforming residues into easily assimilable nutrients for plants and humus, which positively affects maintaining the proper soil moisture level and making nutrients available to plants. Convenient spraying allows for even coverage of the soil with the appropriate dose of the product. Maintaining the appropriate microflora, the soil retains its beneficial crumbly structure, its water content improves, and favourable conditions for seed germination and plant growth are created.

The use of crop residue destructors accelerates the product of soil for subsequent crops and allows for better planning of future sowings or plantings. full terminator by AGRARIUS promotes the multiplication of non-pathogenic saprophytic fungi and bacteria contained in the bi słoma product.

Saprophytic fungi of the Trichoderma genus and bacteria of the Bacillus genus contribute to the rapid decomposition of crop residues, increase the bioavailability of mineral nutrients and organic compounds present in the soil, and significantly improve its structure. Additionally, these microorganisms act phytosanitarily - limiting the occurrence of harmful pathogens and improving plant resistance, which translates into higher profitability of crops.

Total Nitrogen (N) - 15% (w/w) Amide Nitrogen (N) - 7.5% (w/w) Ammonium Nitrogen (N) - 3.75% (w/w) Nitrate Nitrogen (N) - 3.75% (w/w) Sodium (Na) - 2.2% (w/w) Boron (B) - 0.01% (w/w) Copper (Cu) - 0.01% (w/w) Manganese (Mn) - 0.1% (w/w) Molybdenum (Mo) - 0.001% (w/w) Zinc (Zn) - 0.01% (w/w) Complexed by LS; all water-soluble components.

5-6 l/200-300 l water/ha

It is recommended to apply directly to crop residues left after harvesting. In cases of very unfavourable agroclimatic conditions, increase the dose according to needs, but not more than twice the basic dose. Immediately after the treatment, soil cultivation can be carried out.

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