Naturalny Plon


Naturalny Plon is a product that supports plant cultivation and aids in the regeneration of plants after damage from chemicals, hail, frost, and drought. This innovative biostimulant is absolutely unique in terms of its composition, which combines a full spectrum of amino acids, seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum extract, and the latest generation of humic substances. It's a breakthrough in agronomy – a product that is immediately absorbed by plants and rapidly affects them.
Available packaging:
Liquid form:
250 ml
1 L
5 L
20 L
Powder form:
200 g
1 kg
5 kg
10 kg

Benefits of use:

Regenerates crops after chemical, mechanical, and environmental damage
Increases the efficiency of photosynthesis
Supports the formation of new root hairs and improves plant health
Increases water and nutrient utilisation
Enhances resistance to pests and pathogens

Product description:


Naturalny Plon is a versatile agricultural product that can be used in crop farming, vegetable and fruit cultivation, as well as ornamental plant and herb cultivation. This unique product, which contains seaweed extract, amino acids, and the latest generation of humic substances, effectively supports cultivation and has a positive impact on plants. It acts comprehensively, supporting the formation of the root hair zone and inducing lateral branching and flowering. As a result, there is increased water and nutrient uptake from the soil, resulting in a higher-quality yield. Regular use also contributes to a significant improvement in crop yield.

The biostimulant with seaweed exhibits regenerative properties and can be used in the cultivation of plants that have been damaged by herbicides and other external factors such as rainfall, drought, or extremely low temperatures. The seaweed contained in the product also increases plant resistance to stress. All components of the biostimulant are fully natural and derived from plants, making them rapidly and easily absorbable. The balanced and innovative composition guarantees effective and long-lasting action. The selection of ingredients is carefully considered – individual substances act synergistically, meaning they support each other and complement their action.

All substances that make up Naturalny Plon biostimulant serve specific functions and play a significant role in plant life processes. Thanks to them, crops have greater growth and development potential, and the yield is high and of high quality.

50% seaweed extract (full spectrum amino acids), alginic acid, iodine, mannitol, phytoalexins, laminarin, and polyamines. 50% the latest generation of humic acids derived from processed lignin, not leonardites.

Liquid form: Naturalny Plon XM

Crop plants1 l/200-300 l water/ha2-4 times per season: after emergence, during bush formation, after flowering, and during seed, grain, root, and tuber growth
Vegetables1-2 l/300-450 l water/ha2-4 times per season
Fruit trees and shrubs2-3 l/400-600 l water/ha3-4 times per season: before flowering, after flowering.
1-2 times during fruit growth
Berries: currants, strawberries, raspberries1-2 l/200-400 l water/ha3-4 times per season: before flowering, after flowering.
1-2 times during fruit growth
Watering young plants0,1 l/10-15 l water
Protection against frost / heat

according to the table above, apply 2-3 days before expected frost, heat. Regeneration can be repeated after 7-10 days

Regeneration after damage by pesticidesaccording to the table above, spraying should be done immediately after symptoms are noticed

Powder form: Naturalny Plon

Winter and spring cereals100-150 g/200-300 l water/ha2-3 times per season: during bushing, heading, and grain filling
Winter and spring rapeseed100-150 g/200-300 l water/ha2-3 times per season: during stem formation, before flowering, during seed setting
Maize100-150 g/200-300 l water/ha2-3 times per season: at the 2-4 leaf stage, 2-3 weeks after the first application,
2-3 weeks after the second application
Sugar beet100-150 g/200-300 l water/ha2 times per season: at the 2-3 leaf stage
Root vegetables, potatoes150-300 g/200-400 l water/ha2-3 times per season: plant height 8-12 cm, before flowering
Soybeans100-150 g/200-300 l water/ha2 times per season: at the 6-8 leaf stage, during flower formation to early flowering
Sunflower100-150 g/200-300 l water/ha2-3 times per season: at the 6-12 leaf stage, during flowering
Bulb and cabbage vegetables200-300 g/200-450 l water/ha2-4 times per season: every 10-14 days
Root vegetables200-300 g/200-450 l water/ha2-4 times per season
Legumes200-300 g/300-450 l water/ha2-4 times per season
Greenhouse vegetables30-35 g/50-80 l water/10 a3-4 times per season: at bud stage, during flowering, fruit setting
fruit, fruit ripening, after the first tomato harvest: 1-2 times per season: before flowering,
during fruit setting
Fruit trees and shrubs150-350 g/400-600 l water/ha3-4 times per season: before flowering, after flowering.
1-2 times during fruit growth
Berries: currants, strawberries, raspberries150-300 g/200-400 l water/ha3-4 times per season: before flowering, after flowering.
1-2 times during fruit growth
Watering young plants1g/10-15 l water
Protection against frost / heataccording to the table above, apply 2-3 days before expected frost, heat. Regeneration can be repeated after 7-10 days
Regeneration after damage by pesticidesaccording to the table above, spraying should be done immediately after symptoms are noticed


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