Fertilizer for Potatoes

SOLER P is an innovative micronutrient fertiliser in gel form, specifically designed for potato cultivation. It contains a high concentration of sulphur and systemic copper, which have a beneficial effect on potato cultivation, acting to strengthen, promote health, disinfect, and stimulate growth. Sulphur and readily absorbable systemic copper support plant resistance to fungal infections, while advanced technologies, SILEVEL™ and QM6™, enhance its effectiveness.
Available packaging:
1 L
5 L
20 L

Benefits of use:

Addresses micronutrient deficiencies in potatoes quickly
Is absorbed almost entirely by plants
Nourishes potatoes and affects crop health
Stimulates tuber growth and yields
Is easy to dose and prepare

Product description:


SOLER P foliar fertiliser contains boron, copper, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, and sulphur. Adequate plant supply of these elements has a significant impact on the quantity and quality of yields obtained. Manganese participates in numerous protein, sugar, and lipid metabolism processes, as well as in photosynthesis and hormone regulation. Systemic copper, in turn, supports plant resistance and influences pollen production and viability. Zinc is a component of RNA polymerase and participates in protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Boron is responsible for cell wall formation, regulates sugar metabolism, and is involved in flowering and fruit setting processes. Similarly to zinc, molybdenum controls pollen production and maintains its viability. Considering that most soils in Poland have low molybdenum content, potato fertiliser should be enriched with this crucial element.

SOLER P is an innovative potato fertiliser in gel form that incorporates two technologies — SILEVEL™ and QM6™. The essence of the SILEVEL™ technology is the encapsulation of fertiliser components in interpacket spaces, so-called pockets. The development of a silicon-based hydrogel has allowed for prolonged and increased dosage efficiency of the fertiliser. As a result, the potato fertiliser supplies micronutrients to the plant for an extended period. The hygroscopic nature of the fertiliser, on the other hand, makes it resistant to drying out and easily swells, maintaining strong adhesion to the plant. These properties ensure that the potato fertiliser is not washed away even during heavy rain.

Thanks to its high sulphur content, the fertiliser works to strengthen and disinfect. Sulphur not only supports plant resistance to diseases but also stimulates potato crops to grow. The stimulating mechanism QM6™, on the other hand, stimulates plant defence responses by increasing its ability to store water and micronutrients. Properly dosed potato fertiliser has a positive impact on cultivation and helps maintain potato health. Ensuring an adequate supply of micronutrients is essential for intensive agricultural production. Any deficiencies affect yields obtained and slow plant growth. Our offered potato fertiliser, SOLER P, maintains soil micronutrient richness and additionally protects potato crops from common diseases.

SOLER P is entirely safe for crops as it is a chlorine-free potato fertiliser. All its components have disinfecting properties against used sprayers and fungicidal properties for plants. The balanced composition helps limit the development of pathogenic disease agents, while the hydrogel consistency of the fertiliser allows for long-term storage without losing its quality. Our potato fertiliser mixes well and is easy to pour.

Boron (B) – 0.40% (w/w), Copper (Cu) – 1.50% (w/w), Manganese (Mn) – 4.50% (w/w), Molybdenum (Mo) – 0.02% (w/w), Zinc (Zn) – 3.50% (w/w), Sulphur (SO3) – 13.10% (w/w).

3rd leaf unfolded (BBCH 13-18)1,0 l /ha200-500 l
Above-ground growth (BBCH 21-35)1,0 l /ha200-500 l
Until beginning of flowering (BBCH 40-50)1,0 l /ha200-500 l

Additional information:

SOLER P potato fertiliser has a long shelf life, and even after long months of storage, it does not lose its efficacy.

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