bi calc+

Granual Limestone Fertiliser - Soil Activator

bi calc+ is a modern granular limestone fertiliser that utilises a highly reactive form of calcium carbonate. It is intended for all types of crops, delivering essential nutrients and substances that facilitate plant growth while positively affecting the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms in the soil.
Available packaging:
10 kg
25 kg
500 kg
600 kg

Benefits of use:

Improves soil pH and activates the nutrients present in it
Contributes to the improvement of soil biology and enhances its phytosanitary condition
Has fast yet long-lasting action – slow leaching
Halts decay processes and stimulates the breakdown of organic residues
Promotes increased crop yields and prevents the effects of drought

Product description:


Losses caused by intensive human agricultural activity and the use of physiologically acidic nitrogen fertilisers contribute to soil acidification. This, in turn, hinders the transfer of water and mineral salts to the above-ground parts of plants. Crops grown on acidic soils show less resistance to drought, frost damage, and pathogens. One of the most important ways to regulate soil pH is through a liming treatment.

bi calc+ is a granular limestone fertiliser that contains a wealth of bacteria stimulating humus formation processes and nitrogen compound conversions. This innovative product, made of finely ground limestone flour, is easy to apply and quickly dissolves in the soil environment. With the inclusion of concentrated bacteria cultures, the breakdown processes of organic matter occur faster, allowing plants to more efficiently absorb nutrients and strengthen their resistance to adverse conditions and diseases.

Liming with the use of granules increases the intensity of nitrogen uptake from the air by slow-growing microorganisms and raises the availability of phosphorus from the soil. It is worth noting that bi calc+ stimulates the growth of crop plant roots, which improves nutrient absorption and contributes to increased crop yields.

Calcium carbonate, Bacillus sp. bacteria (B. subtilis, B. megaterium, B. azotofixans), and biological function activators.

0,5 - 1 t/haAnnually, depending on soil acidity and its agronomic category. bi calc+ can be applied from spring to late autumn, but the best time for application is during the summer after ploughing, before autumn cultivation.

The fertiliser should not be applied directly before or after the application of mineral fertilisers containing phosphorus and nitrogen in the form of ammonium or amide, as well as natural fertilisers such as manure, slurry, or compost.

The recommended interval between these treatments is at least 3-4 weeks.

The use of the fertiliser on frozen, snow-covered, or waterlogged soils is prohibited. It is not recommended to use bi calc+ limestone fertiliser together with plant protection products.

Additional information:

bi calc+ limestone fertiliser contains 100% reactive form of calcium carbonate derived from Jurassic deposits with a high content of 98% CaCO3. Thanks to a special production process ensuring the survival of beneficial microorganisms added to the fertiliser, bi calc+ is of very high quality. The addition of biological function activators to the limestone ensures faster multiplication of microorganisms and more efficient action of the lime. 

The limestone fertiliser can be used in autumn and spring. It is also recommended for intervention application throughout the season. The use of this fertiliser prevents negative effects of drought. 

bi calc+ is placed on the market based on the registration of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development no: 580/19 and is approved by IUNG for use in organic farming no: NE/503/2019.

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